Engaging communities in worthwhile conversations about their vision for their town is a complex and sensitive process. These exchanges have political and historical context. They can be fraught. As an impartial skilled third party, BAS can unlock a more collaborative process, drawing people together to think about the future, and involving those that may not have previously participated.
Towns Fund and Future High Street Fund applications
For these funds and many others, Local Authorities need to demonstrate how they have involved the community in the process of co-design and development. Moreover, plans will be unlikely to come to fruition without a widespread sense of ownership across the town, city or neighbourhood. BAS will work with local authorities to deliver consultation events which engage businesses, residents and other stakeholders, using data, evidence and best practice case studies to show how places are changing and how we must plan for their future. A report detailing the outcome of these sessions and an independent view of the place and its opportunities and threats will be provided to the client.
Neighbourhood planning
BAS Consultancy has extensive experience of Neighbourhood Planning in the urban context, including the establishment and management of the South Bank and Waterloo Neighbourhood Forum, and the establishment of Neighbourhood Planners London, the Capital’s representative body for neighbourhood planners in the capital.
We can help advise communities on the process, the legislation and best practice in the following areas:
Designation – of the forum and neighbourhood area
Consultation and engagement of communities
The development of plans from broad vision to policies
Managing the relationship with the Local Planning Authority and other stakeholders
Business-led forums: the key benefits and challenges
Policy writing to achieve particular ends – what can and cannot be included
Examination and referendum
Opportunities for Forums after them plan has been completed
If you are looking for expert help to ensure success at every stage of the neighbourhood planning process, BAS consultancy is a trusted source of information and guidance.
Developer / community conversation
Neighbourhood planning is one of the tools communities use to let developers and councils know what they want from development. Developers have learned both from best practice and increasing resistance among communities for unpopular or underconsulted applications.
BAS Consultancy believes that under the right conditions, developers and communities can reach agreement on the concessions that developers can offer to reduce the likelihood of objections. BAS can provide an independent space for these conversations to take place, facilitating a process in which all voices are valued, and leading to a rich community consultation statement.